Follow this path to discover the ancient Spartan origins of Taranto, a Magna Graecia city.

Follow this path to discover the ancient Spartan origins of Taranto, a Magna Graecia city.
Located in the Hypogeum of Palazzo de Beaumont Bonelli, this fascinating underground site has the unique peculiarity of enclosing elements of all eras starting from the foundation of Taranto by the Spartans (VIII century BC) up to the seventeenth century.
The temple of Poseidon, also known as the Doric Temple, is a peripteral temple of the Doric order located in Piazza Castello, in the historic center of Taranto. It is the oldest temple of Magna Graecia and is the only Greek place of worship still open to visitors in the Borgo Antico district.
The National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, one of the most important in Italy, was born in 1887 and has been located ever since in the former Convent of the Alcantarini Friars. It exhibits one of the largest collections of artifacts dating back to the Magna Graecia era, including the famous gold of Taranto.